Tokyo/Seoul time
Monday, Jan 20th, 2025
Current time
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Birthday Countdown
Age, Older First
Age, Younger First
18+ Only Countdown
Alphabetical, first name
Alphabetical, family name
Date added
Date updated 2011-2025
atsuko , 49
山下敦子 / Yamashita Atsuko Angela
Born: January 23rd, 1975
3 days until 50 th birthday!
KATSU , 50
平里勝敬 / Hirasato Katsunori Angela
Born: June 12th, 1974
143 days until 51 st birthday!
J-pop, an abbreviation for Japanese pop, is a musical genre that entered the musical mainstream of Japan in the 1990s. Modern J-pop has its roots in 1960s pop and rock music, such as The Beatles and T...
more 392 people belong to this category.
2 people belong to this group.
Current selection stats:
Age average:
Most common age:
50, 49
Average height:
160.0 cm