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All Actor AKB48 Athlete Hello! Project Idoling!!! J-pop Johnny's K-pop Model Musician RLD
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Reina Yokoyama , 23
横山 玲奈
Morning Musume, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: February 22nd, 2001
5 days until 24 th birthday!
Sakura Ishiyama , 20
石山 咲良
Juice=Juice, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: February 22nd, 2004
5 days until 21 st birthday!
Reina Ichioka , 25
一岡 怜奈
Beyooooonds, Chica#Tetsu +1
Born: February 25th, 1999
8 days until 26 th birthday!
Honoka Okamoto , 20
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: February 28th, 2004
11 days until 21 st birthday!
Rio Fujii , 25
藤井 梨央
Ex-Kobushi Factory, Ex-H!P Trainees +1
Born: March 4th, 1999
15 days until 26 th birthday!
Akane Haga , 22
羽賀 朱音
Morning Musume, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: March 7th, 2002
18 days until 23 rd birthday!
Sakurako Wada , 23
和田 桜子
Ex-Kobushi Factory, Ex-Hello! project +1
Born: March 8th, 2001
19 days until 24 th birthday!
Anna Shuttou , 19
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: March 8th, 2005
19 days until 20 th birthday!
Yumei Yokogawa , 25
横川 夢衣
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: March 14th, 1999
25 days until 26 th birthday!
Kurumi Takase , 25
高瀬 くるみ
Beyooooonds, Ame no Mori Kawa Umi +1
Born: March 16th, 1999
27 days until 26 th birthday!
Maho Aikawa , 25
相川 茉穂
Ex-ANGERME, Ex-H!P Trainees +1
Born: March 26th, 1999
37 days until 26 th birthday!
Rena Ogawa , 24
小川 麗奈
Ex-Kobushi Factory, Ex-H!P Trainees +1
Born: March 27th, 2000
38 days until 25 th birthday!
Sakiko Kodama , 21
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: March 29th, 2003
40 days until 22 nd birthday!
Miku Nishizaki , 18
西﨑 美空
Ocha Norma, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: April 17th, 2006
59 days until 19 th birthday!
Ayano Hamaura , 24
浜浦 彩乃
Ex-Kobushi Factory, Ex-Hello! Project +1
Born: April 26th, 2000
68 days until 25 th birthday!
Kirara Yonemura , 20
Ocha Norma, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: April 30th, 2004
72 days until 21 st birthday!
Ruru Danbara , 23
段原 瑠々
Juice=Juice, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: May 7th, 2001
79 days until 24 th birthday!
Musubu Funaki , 22
船木 結
Ex-Hello! Project, Ex-ANGERME +2
Born: May 10th, 2002
82 days until 23 rd birthday!
Kizuki Horie , 26
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: May 14th, 1998
86 days until 27 th birthday!
Rikako Sasaki , 23
佐々木 莉佳子
ANGERME, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: May 28th, 2001
100 days until 24 th birthday!
Momoko Shimano , 25
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: May 31st, 1999
103 days until 26 th birthday!
Hana Goto , 16
Angerme, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: June 5th, 2008
108 days until 17 th birthday!
Shiori Nishida , 21
Beyooooonds, Chica#Tetsu +1
Born: June 7th, 2003
110 days until 22 nd birthday!
Mizuki Murota , 26
室田 瑞希
Ex-ANGERME, Ex-Hello! Project +1
Born: June 12th, 1998
115 days until 27 th birthday!
Ruri Hiromoto , 21
広本 瑠璃
Ocha Norma, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: June 18th, 2003
121 days until 22 nd birthday!
Kokoro Maeda , 22
Beyooooonds, Ame no Mori Kawa Umi +1
Born: June 23rd, 2002
126 days until 23 rd birthday!
Nagisa Hashimoto , 27
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: July 3rd, 1997
136 days until 28 th birthday!
Ayano Kawamura , 25
ANGERME, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: July 7th, 1999
140 days until 26 th birthday!
Riai Matsunaga , 19
Juice=Juice, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: July 7th, 2005
140 days until 20 th birthday!
Ichigo Yamada , 19
Ex-Hello! Project, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: July 15th, 2005
148 days until 20 th birthday!
Rei Inoue , 23
井上 玲音
Juice=Juice, Ex-Kobushi Factory +1
Born: July 17th, 2001
150 days until 24 th birthday!
Natsume Nakayama , 19
Ocha Norma, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: July 20th, 2005
153 days until 20 th birthday!
Natsumi Taguchi , 24
田口 夏実
Ex-Kobushi Factory, Ex-H!P Trainees +1
Born: July 21st, 2000
154 days until 25 th birthday!
Nanami Kubota , 20
Ocha Norma, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: July 23rd, 2004
156 days until 21 st birthday!
Yuki Hirayama , 18
平山 遊季
ANGERME, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: July 25th, 2006
158 days until 19 th birthday!
Saya Eguchi , 21
Beyooooonds, Chica#Tetsu +1
Born: August 1st, 2003
165 days until 22 nd birthday!
Ayaka Hirose , 25
広瀬 彩海
Ex-Kobushi Factory, Ex-Hello! Project +1
Born: August 4th, 1999
168 days until 26 th birthday!
Yukiho Shimoitani , 18
下井谷 幸穂
Angerme, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: August 4th, 2006
168 days until 19 th birthday!
Rika Shimakura , 24
Beyooooonds, Chica#Tetsu +1
Born: August 20th, 2000
184 days until 25 th birthday!
Karin Maeshima , 15
前島 花凛
Ex-Hello! Project, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: August 22nd, 2009
186 days until 16 th birthday!
Kana Mikame , 26
三瓶 海南
Ex-H!P Trainees, Ex-Hello! Project
Born: August 28th, 1998
192 days until 27 th birthday!
Kana Mashiro , 25
真城 佳奈
Ex-H!P Trainees, Ex-Hello! Project
Born: August 29th, 1999
193 days until 26 th birthday!
Kurumi Noguchi , 23
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: August 29th, 2001
193 days until 24 th birthday!
Momo Kitahara , 18
北原 もも
Ocha Norma, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: August 30th, 2006
194 days until 19 th birthday!
Hikaru Inoue , 24
井上 ひかる
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: August 31st, 2000
195 days until 25 th birthday!
Rena Doi , 20
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: September 1st, 2004
196 days until 21 st birthday!
Ruru Kanemitsu , 19
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: September 2nd, 2005
197 days until 20 th birthday!
Rion Nakano , 23
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: September 5th, 2001
200 days until 24 th birthday!
Hirona Oura , 24
大浦 央菜
Ex-H!P Trainees, Ex-Hello! Project
Born: September 10th, 2000
205 days until 25 th birthday!
Kurumi Yoshihashi , 25
吉橋 くるみ
Ex-H!P Trainees, Ex-Hello! Project
Born: September 22nd, 1999
217 days until 26 th birthday!
Rin Hashisako , 19
ANGERME, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: October 6th, 2005
231 days until 20 th birthday!
Kotomi Ono , 22
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: October 7th, 2002
232 days until 23 rd birthday!
Mizuki Kanatsu , 22
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: October 9th, 2002
234 days until 23 rd birthday!
Risa Yamaki , 27
山木 梨沙
Ex-Country Girls, Ex-Hello! Project +1
Born: October 14th, 1997
239 days until 28 th birthday!
Minami Okamura , 20
Beyooooonds, Ame no Mori Kawa Umi +1
Born: October 20th, 2004
245 days until 21 st birthday!
Momona Kasahara , 21
笠原 桃奈
Ex-ANGERME, Ex-Hello! Project +1
Born: October 22nd, 2003
247 days until 22 nd birthday!
Madoka Saito , 22
斉藤 円香
Ocha Norma, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: October 28th, 2002
253 days until 23 rd birthday!
Yuhane Yamazaki , 22
Beyooooonds, Ame no Mori Kawa Umi +1
Born: November 5th, 2002
261 days until 23 rd birthday!
Nanami Tanabe , 25
田辺 奈菜美
Ex-Shugo Chara Egg!, Ex-H!P Trainees +1
Born: November 10th, 1999
266 days until 26 th birthday!
Mei Kusunoki , 20
楠萌 生
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: November 10th, 2004
266 days until 21 st birthday!
Fuyuka Kosuga , 27
小数賀 芙由香
Ex-H!P Trainees, Ex-S/mileage +1
Born: November 19th, 1997
275 days until 28 th birthday!
Kaede Kaga , 25
加賀 楓
Ex-Morning Musume, Ex-Hello! Project +1
Born: November 30th, 1999
286 days until 26 th birthday!
Mifu Kawashima , 17
川嶋 美楓
Juice=Juice, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: December 13th, 2007
299 days until 18 th birthday!
Saori Onoda , 23
小野田 紗栞
Tsubaki Factory, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: December 17th, 2001
303 days until 24 th birthday!
Marina Hibi , 22
Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: December 17th, 2002
303 days until 23 rd birthday!
Runo Yofuu , 17
豫風 瑠乃
Tsubaki Factory, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: December 20th, 2007
306 days until 18 th birthday!
Momohime Kiyono , 20
Beyooooonds, Ame no Mori Kawa Umi +1
Born: December 22nd, 2004
308 days until 21 st birthday!
Ichika Arisawa , 21
有澤 一華
Juice=Juice, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: December 23rd, 2003
309 days until 22 nd birthday!
Karen Tanaka , 27
田中 可恋
Ex-H!P Trainees, Ex-Hello! Project
Born: December 24th, 1997
310 days until 28 th birthday!
Manaka Inaba , 27
稲場 愛香
Ex-Juice=Juice, Ex-Hello! Project +3
Born: December 27th, 1997
313 days until 28 th birthday!
Nanami Yanagawa , 23
Ex-Hello! Project, Ex-Juice=Juice +2
Born: January 6th, 2002
323 days until 24 th birthday!
Kisaki Ebata , 18
江端 妃咲
Juice=Juice, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: January 30th, 2007
347 days until 19 th birthday!
Maria Makino , 24
牧野 真莉愛
Morning Musume, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: February 2nd, 2001
350 days until 25 th birthday!
Shion Tamenaga , 21
ANGERME, Ex-H!P Trainees
Born: February 9th, 2004
357 days until 22 nd birthday!
Minami Nomura , 25
野村 みな美
Ex-Kobushi Factory, Ex-Hello! Project +1
Born: February 10th, 2000
358 days until 26 th birthday!
Hello! Project
Hello! Project is the umbrella name for the j-pop idol collective and the multitude of groups under contract with the Up-Front Group. The flagship group of the collective is Morning Musume. The main p... more
264 people belong to this category.
Ex-H!P Trainees
This is a tag for the people who used to belong to H!P Trainees.75 people belong to this group.
Current selection stats:
People: 75
Age average: 22.7
Most common age: 25
Average height: 157.5 cm
- 19 people with height set